Thursday, December 3, 2009

photo assignment 2

Photo Assignment 2
Up Close and Abstract

Use the macro lens to shoot at least 20 images. These should be up close and may become abstract textures, rather than recognizable images. You should try to shoot each of your photo subjects from more than one angle. Remember to keep your images in focus. If you get too close or too far away (with macro) your photo will be blurry.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

7th grade update

7th grade visual arts students have started their second unit of the year, "Imagining Possibilities." We have studied the art of Romare Bearden, his working methods and inspirations. We have also looked at the art of the Surrealists and the way that Surrealist art has contributed to contemporary pop culture imagery. We have studied work by Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, and Frida Kahlo.

Students are currently working on a project inspired by these influences. They are using the working methods of much of Romare Bearden's work, a combination of paint and collage, combined with the dream-like imagery of the Surrealists to create their own surreal compositions.

photo assignment 1

Photo Assignment 1
The Rule of Thirds

Use your knowledge of the rule of thirds to shoot a minimum of 10 good clear images that utilize the rule of thirds to create a strong composition. Think about the examples that we analyzed in class.

A large part of the job of any photographer is learning to edit your work. Photographers may shoot hundreds of images to get that one perfect shot, especially when it comes to digital photography.

You will use the tools in Photoshop to edit your photos and narrow your series down to your 4 strongest images. These are the images that you will turn in for this assignment.

Step1- Shoot your photos. Ten is a minimum, but it is always better to shoot more. You should think about how your compositions work with the rule of thirds as you shoot.

Step2- Download your photos into the computer.

Step 3- Use the “guided edit” functions in Photoshop to begin to learn some of the basics of Photoshop and edit your photos.

Step 4- Narrow down your edited photos to the four that you feel are the strongest and most interesting images.

Step 5- Print these four images so that you can engage in a peer critique.

Step 6- Turn in your photos along with a brief statement about how you feel that each one uses the rule of thirds.

8th Grade Digital Photography Letter

This is a copy of the letter that 8th grade students received in class. It is to be signed and returned.


Digital Photography

Dear Students and Parents or Guardians,

It’s an exciting time in 8th grade visual arts class as we begin our first digital photography class! We will explore a variety of photography topics and use Photoshop Elements software for basic adjustments and digital composite projects.

As a new and unique visual arts course, there are some expectations and requests of which all digital photography students and their parents should be aware.

Required Supplies

Each digital photography student is required to have a spiral notebook, a pen or pencil, and a sturdy 2-pocket folder for handouts and prints. Students may use a sketchbook in place of the spiral notebook if they wish. This notebook will be used to brainstorm ideas, complete journal assignments, and take notes on techniques for using various digital tools. The notebook should be dedicated solely to this class.

*A flash drive is also highly recommended, but not required.


Students are not required to have their own cameras. We currently have 8 digital cameras for use in this program. Having access to their own camera will allow students more photo opportunities, since the school cameras will be restricted to use during class time. Any camera used for this class should have a minimum of a four-megapixel resolution (no cell phones).

If the student chooses to use his or her own digital camera, he or she will be responsible for keeping that camera in a secure place during the school day. The student will also need to bring the cable to download images from the camera to the computer.

If the student chooses to use one of the school cameras, he or she will be responsible for the proper handling of that camera. Should the camera be damaged as a result of improper handling, the student will be responsible for replacing the camera with one of equal value in a timely manner.

Wish List for Donations

-AA batteries

-Ink Jet Photo Paper

-Picture frames, especially 8”x10”

-Ink Cartridges – Epson 98 or 99

*These are individual ink cartridges in black, magenta, cyan, yellow, light magenta, light cyan, and light yellow.

All students must return this signed form to Mr. Edmison no later than Friday, November 13, 2009.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this. I’m looking forward to a great class!


Jacob Edmison

ACMS Visual Arts Instructor

I have read and understand the requirements and expectations outlined in this letter.

_____________________________________________ ________________________________________________

Student’s Signature and Date Parent or Guardian’s Signature and Date

term 2 sketchbook/notebook checks

These are the 7th grade sketchbook due dates for term 2. 8th graders in the digital art class will not have the same sketchbook assignment, but will have notebook checks to make sure they are keeping up with all of the technical and composition related information that they are receiving in class.

7th grade students are expected to continue to complete at least 2 pages per week. At least 10 of these should be life drawings.
If it becomes necessary to change any of these due dates, students will be informed of the change in class. I will also post any changes to this schedule on the blog.

Term 2 2009-2010
Sketchbook Due Dates

12/4-5 7th grade
(at least 6 full-page sketches total, at least 3 life drawings)

12/8 8th Grade
notebook check

1/21-22 7th grade
(at least 16 full-page sketches total, at least 7 life drawings)

1/26 8th grade notebook check

2/11-12 7th grade
(at least 24 full-page sketches total, at least 10 life drawings)

2/18 8th grade notebook check

Late Work Policy
1 day late = 70% of grade earned
2 days late = 50% of grade earned
more than 2 days = 0

Thursday, October 8, 2009

7th grade

Seventh grade students are continuing their "Seeing Yourself" unit with a symbolic representation of themselves. This may take the form of either an assemblage, 3-D, or a collage, 2-D, symbolic self-portrait. Unlike the previous self-portrait, these will not look like the artists. Instead, they will rely upon the language of symbols to tell about who the artist really is.
Students are using a variety of recycled materials to create these portraits.
Many of the monochromatic self-portrait paintings are on display here at the school.

8th grade Big Idea series

8th grade visual arts students have started a series of projects united by a big idea. The ideas were student generated and range from love to global warming.
Students will decide on three different ways to visually explore their topic and create a written plan for each of the three works of art.

Sketchbook due dates update

The final week of term 1 is a bit later than I originally anticipated. As a result, I am adjusting the final term 1 sketchbook check due dates.
7th grade students will turn their books in on October 27th and 29th.
8th grade will also turn theirs in on the 29th.

Friday, September 11, 2009

8th grade update

8th grade visual arts students are beginning a new project. It is a symbolic portrait. Students will have a choice of using either 3-D assemblage techniques or collage for this project. Items and/or images included in this portrait will help tell the viewer about who these students are, rather than how they look.
Today, we began with a discussion of some of the effects of industrialization on the art world, especially as it relates to assemblage work.

sketchbook check #2

The second sketchbook check is coming up on Monday and Tuesday for 7th grade classes and Thursday for 8th grade.
All students should have at least 12 pages of sketches, including at least 6 life drawings.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

8th grade

The eighth grade class is continuing their exploration of alternate art making methods with a study of traditional Chinese painting. Traditional/Alternate...doesn't seem to fit, but it does. We discussed the meaning of the chop stamps found on many of these works of art, as well as the balance between human and natural elements.
The students developed their own symbol and carved a chop stamp of their own. They will use these stamps again after we have finished painting. They are creating landscape paintings that begin with shapes created from India ink blown through a straw. Next, they will have the opportunity to add color and detail to the landscape using watercolor paint. Many of these students started the ink portion of this composition yesterday, and were excited about the unpredictable nature of the medium.

7th grade

The 7th grade visual arts classes are beginning to finish their self portraits. They have used a grid to draw these portraits from photographs. The drawings look great! I plan to photograph them before they get covered in paint. The next step in this process will be to turn that self portrait drawing into a monochromatic painting.
This week, we have discussed the meanings of the terms hue, tint, shade, and monochromatic as students painted a value scale for the hue that they plan to use for their monochromatic portraits. They explored the spectrum of tints and shades that could be created from this single hue, as preparation for their self portrait paintings.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sketchbook due dates

If it becomes necessary to change any of these due dates, students will be informed of the change in class. I will also post any changes to this schedule on the blog.

Term 1 2009
Sketchbook Due Dates

8/24-25 7th grade
(at least 6 full-page sketches total, at least 3 life drawings)

8/28 8th Grade
(at least 6 full-page sketches total, at least 3 life drawings)

9/14-15 7th grade
(at least 12 full-page sketches total, at least 6 life drawings)

9/17 8th grade
(at least 12 full-page sketches total, at least 6 life drawings)

10/5-6 7th grade
(at least 18 full-page sketches total, at least 9 life drawings)

10/8 8th grade
(at least 18 full-page sketches total, at least 9 life drawings)

**Final sketchbook checks (at least 24 full-page sketches, at least 10 life drawings)**

10/22-23 7th grade

10/26 8th grade

Late Work Policy
1 day late = 70% of grade earned
2 days late = 50% of grade earned
more than 2 days = 0

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The first week

It has been an exciting first week! By Friday, all visual arts students will have received a sketchbook. Students should begin working on at least two full sketchbook page drawings per week. This is usually the only homework assignment that they have for art class.

All of the classes started off this week with a big picture activity. This is a group project in which each student receives a small piece of a much larger picture. They must pay close attention to details and proportions to copy what they see on their piece. In the end, we should be able to re-assemble the pieces and identify the larger image.

Moving into next week, the seventh graders will begin working towards creating a monochromatic self-portrait painting. They will study the art and techniques of Chuck Close as they learn to make use of a grid and photograph to help them create the portrait.
The eighth grade class will be working on a mixed media composition. They will have the option of creating a landscape or a portrait. We'll also discuss the art of Zac Freeman and Anselm Kiefer, as examples of mixed media portraits and landscapes using non-traditional materials.

Welcome to Visual Arts!

*A copy of this letter went home with all visual arts students this week.

August 11, 2009

Dear ACMS Parents,

I am excited to be here for my fourth year as the ACMS Visual Arts teacher! We will begin two different art courses this week. The seventh grade will begin a yearlong course, which will build upon their experiences from sixth grade and develop a deeper understanding of 2-D and 3-D ideas and techniques in the visual arts. The eighth grade visual arts students will begin the first in a series of three visual arts courses which will be offered this year. These courses will enable them to further develop the techniques and ideas learned over the past two years and help them create a strong visual arts portfolio. Soon, the eighth grade classes will add digital photography and collage to their repertoire of art experiences.
One important element of our art program is the student sketchbook. This sketchbook will be an artifact, which the students will be able to use to reflect upon their artistic journeys. It will provide them with a tangible and readily accessible record of their growth. The sketchbook will also travel between home and school, allowing parents a chance to witness their child’s artistic development. We will discuss a variety of ways for students to use their sketchbooks including sketching, planning, and journaling. Over the course of the first term, Students will be required to complete at least two full-page drawings per week. At least ten of these will be drawings from life. Most of these sketches should happen outside of class. It is my hope that this will become a habit for my students long after their art class has ended.. ACMS has arranged to purchase a sketchbook for each Visual Arts student. This is a hard cover sketchbook with 80 sheets of quality drawing paper. If your child should require an additional sketchbook, they will be available for $6 each. If you wish to make a donation to help cover the cost of purchasing these sketchbooks, donations will be gladly accepted. The sketchbook is the only required supply for this course aside from a pencil.
I will occasionally need parent volunteers to help with special events such as art shows, field trips, and projects. If you would like me to contact you when these needs arise, please email me at with your name and contact information. Also, please contact me if you have an art related experience or talent that you might like to share with the students.
It’s going to be a great year!

Jacob Edmison,
ACMS Visual Arts Teacher

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

8th Grade

Students in the 8th grade mixed media class are working on the second piece in their big idea series. We've had a wide variety of ideas explored, and the students have really taken up the challenge to find multiple means of visually interpreting an idea.
Some of the finished pieces are already on display here, at ACMS.

Final Term 2 Sketchbook Check

Final sketchbook checks will begin next week. Students should have at least 24 pages of sketches, including at least 10 life drawings.

8th grade sketchbooks are due on Tuesday, 2/10.
6th grade sketchbooks are due on Thursday, 2/12.

6th grade

The sixth grade visual arts classes completed their drawing unit, this week. The final part of this unit was an exploration of linear and atmospheric perspective. Students created a watercolor painting of the hallway using what they learned about perspective.
Our final unit for this term will be on the ways that artists create visual representations of moods. We will look at the use of formal elements, as well as ways that those elements can combine to create a landscape or portrait reflecting a particular mood. Students will develop their own mood characters and create a three-dimensional mask from one of these characters.

Friday, January 16, 2009

6th Grade

This week, the sixth grade visual arts classes started the final part of their drawing unit. We have discussed examples of linear and atmospheric perspective. Students have learned to identify key characteristics of these two types of perspective, and have started two linear perspective drawing exercises. Earlier this week, they created a piece of word art using three-point linear perspective. Now, they are working on a drawing of an interior architectural scene using one point perspective.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

6th Grade Visual Arts

The sixth grade visual arts classes are finishing their self-portrait boxes. Their portraits are hanging all around the art room.
Next, we will be moving on to an exploration of the techniques artists use to show perspective. We will discuss examples of artwork using linear and atmospheric perspective. Students will complete exercises with these techniques as we prepare for a life drawing using perspective. Whether the subject for this drawing ends up being indoors or out will be up to mother nature.

8th Grade Mixed Media

The mixed media class is finishing their altered books, as they begin to learn about big ideas. A big idea is a subject or idea that recurs throughout many pieces of an artist's work. We have had class discussions on big ideas found in the work of Deborah Butterfield, Banksky, Zac Freeman, Kathe Kollwitz, Pablo Picasso, Louise Nevelson, Bev Doolittle, Andy Goldsworthy, Chuck Close, Ando Hiroshige, M.C. Escher, as well as some examples from my own portfolio.
Through the next several weeks, students will go through the process of developing a big idea, planning a series of at least three works of art using this idea, and creating this series of artwork.

Upcoming Sketchbook Checks

I will collect sketchbooks on the following dates:
8th grade - Monday, 1/12
6A - Tuesday, 1/13
6B - Thursday, 1/15

Students should have a minimum of sixteen pages of sketches for this sketchbook check. These drawings should include at least seven clearly labeled life drawings.